Metuchen Borough Council
Dear Neighbors,
Let's face facts.
We live in a great town. There can be no dispute.
We have a great sense of community in Metuchen.
Our police keep us safe.
Our Fire and EMS volunteers are always there for us.
Any neighbor in need? Volunteers are there with open arms.
We have great schools.
We have a diverse religious community.
We have a Main Street that has acted as our community anchor for centuries.
We have known the comfort and opportunities, the happiness and challenges of living in a small town in the crossroads of two of our nation's great cities.
Metuchen is an excellent place to live, raise a family and retire.
However, we need to take steps to protect our town.
We need to strive to maintain our residential suburban character.
After years of letting developers have their way on knockdowns, do we really now plan to deny innocent homeowners the free use of their property as developer after developer builds hundreds of high density luxury apartments for the rich around the corner?
Should we strive to protect our historical structures only to turn our Boro into a city?
Do we realize that for nearly 7 years, every elected official in Metuchen has come from one party?
Neighbors, we face a real challenge this Fall. How do we ensure that our values and our voices are heard in our local government? How do we influence decisions that will affect the quiet enjoyment of our properties and protect the character of our community?
We need to reassert ourselves! We need to investigate! We need to advocate! We need to stand up!
What has happened under our all Democrat-controlled Council? We have watched a debt-burdened parking deck cast shadows over Main Street. We have watched apartments pop up like weeds, choking our roadways and our infrastructure. We have watched developers have their way with our boards, while homeowners are bound and gagged by red tape. We have watched property taxes climb higher and higher while our services are slowly whittled away. And now, we have learned that a new or expanded school is needed in town.
Have you had enough? Or do you want to simply cede all Council seats to the Democrat-machine? Will you step up? Or sit back?
Put me to work for Metuchen.
I am an accountant by trade and know my profession well.
I know the questions to ask and where to look.
I am a husband and a father.
I am your neighbor.
I want to be your advocate.
As the old carpenter’s adage says "Measure twice, cut once." I believe too many times in recent years, we have measured once and made our cut.
I am running for Borough Council because I want to take that second measure, that second look at what our town is doing with YOUR money.
I need your support.
I need your vote on November 7th under Column A.
To learn more about me and how you can help with my campaign, please visit www.MenzAtWork.org or visit me on Facebook/Richard Menziuso for Metuchen Boro Council.
Richard Menziuso