We will ensure news coverage of the campaign is updated as needed. Please check back weekly.
BrainBoroBlog.com Metuchen Boro Candidate Q&A
Sentinel Edison/Metuchen Candidate Coverage
Please read this article from the Sentinel and the responses from the candidates. While the article allowed the incumbents to use more words than I, I believe I have made my point in my concise response.
You asked for Details, Read My Responses to Metuchen Mirror's Candidate Questionnaire
This October's Issue of the Metuchen Mirror, you will find my very abridged responses to the paper's questionnaire. For the benefit of the public who I wish to serve and be their advocate as Borough Council Member, I decided to self publish my full detailed responses to the questionnaire herein.
Reissue of Letter to Sentinel in November 2015
Richard Menziuso Puts the Pressure on and Library delivers success - Metuchen Library Opens on Sundays
Sentinel coverage of the Metuchen Library to re-open on Sunday for full weekend public usage. What you did not read in this weeks article is written in our news release herein.
Richard Menziuso was at the Boro Council meeting referenced in the article when Metuchen Public Library Director pleaded for financial support to re-open the public library in Metuchen with Sunday hours. The chance of Library hours on Sundays was basically denied and a possibility for 2018. Richard Menziuso would not have this as the final answer. Richard prides himself as a product of the Brooklyn Public Library which has helped many children and families.
Richard introduced himself to Library Director that evening. With some research and meetings, Richard took this issue up again at the May 15, 2017 Boro Council Meeting when the Boro presented the 2017 Budget for public comment. Richard suggested ways to the Mayor and the Council to fund the $8K (eight thousand dollar) gap that was needed and highlighted within the Boro's budget where there was sufficient funds. The Mayor and Council dismissed the matter on fiscal responsibility and deferred back to Library Director to solve the problem and offered that maybe they might look into this for the next budget. Richard took matters in his own hands and proposed several options to the Director who then raised them to the Library Board. Our intelligent and energetic Library Board of Trustees embraced the suggestions of their Director, and returned Library Sundays to our community and those who utilize this tremendous resource. Richard is excited that the Library Director was successful in returning Library Sundays to all those in and surrounding Metuchen who would not otherwise have the opportunity to visit the library during the work week. Richard believes our new Library Director is someone to exemplify within Metuchen as he did not take no as an answer for what he is trying to accomplish for each of us.
The fact is that the Boro overlooked its true purpose and the needs of our community. Metuchen has the resources, its leaders, however, are not making the right choices. The Council needs an accountant who can investigate and provide proper oversight, thought leadership, and a focus on the members of our community. Richard Menziuso is the answer. Menz At Work for Metuchen.